Thursday, July 24, 2008


Negaraku or our cuntry, is the national anthem of Malaysia. This song was composed at 1936 by Conductor Paul Lambard.

tanah tumpahnya darahku,
Rakyat hidup,
bersatu dan maju,
Rahmat bahagia,
Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita,
selamat bertakhta.
Rahmat bahagia,
Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita,
selamat bertakhta.

The lyric that must be remembered to al Malaysian. This song must be sing before start any official programe. In 2007, a Youtube video featuring Negaraku caused controversy in Malaysia. The video, named Negarakuku, features Wee Meng Chee, a Malaysian student studying in Taiwan, who weaves the Negaraku into a Chinese languagee rap. The Flag of Malaysia was featured at the backdrop. This controversial video caused outrage among most members of the Malaysian cabinet who rejected his apology. Such an act is considered an offence under Malaysian law yet it is unclear if charges were pursued against Mr. Wee as a gag order was issued to the media not to cover the case. It's our responsible to respect our country, even in our
national anthem.

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